How Confidence Influences Creativity

Now that many of us are at least six weeks into our “shelter in place” and muddling through our work-from-home routine, many leaders are now prioritizing building creativity across virtual teams. But how do we build this essential skill remotely?

To better understand the DNA and environmental factors that contribute to creativity, I’ve interviewed creative business leaders, successful artists and entrepreneurs. One common theme has emerged: the importance of confidence.

It’s likely our current events have, at least at some point, shaken your confidence. Uncertainty hangs in the air. Business volatility often results in paralysis or demands the gut-wrenching decision to reduce your team. Perhaps you’ve even fallen victim to necessary downsizing. Feeling confident in the face of this ambiguity is elusive at best.

But this is exactly what’s needed to activate creativity. Now is the time to build confidence.

1.     Start by connecting to a feeling. Before tackling a problem, start with how you want the end user to feel. We are all in the midst of experiencing a new phase to our work – and lives. Own and acknowledge what feelings surface due to the circumstances. Then envision how you (or your end user) would ideally like to feel.

2.     Create for yourself first. Not all creative ideas are good ones, and that’s okay. Avoid immediate self-criticism. Before applying judgment, create a vision that’s clear and detailed for you. Flesh out an idea to which you feel confidently connected before rushing to get affirmation from others.

3.     Put yourself (and your ideas) out there, yet remember to stay curious. If we’re too in love with our own ideas, rejection can feel overly personal. Rather than get defensive, get curious. Hmm, that didn’t land. I wonder what would? What could I try differently next time? How can I still build toward the feeling I’m after, but adjust in execution?

4.     Believe in what’s possible. We are all playing in greenfield territory in The Big Reset. It presents us with a unique opportunity to redesign and rebuild the future of work. Let’s recognize there is no “return to normal.” Why would we want to go backward anyway? Now is our chance to co-create a better tomorrow.

5.     Embrace this chance to grow. We may have days we get stuck in the Fear Zone, or even experience the Fear Zone, Learning Zone and Growth Zone simultaneously. All are valid and human. But the more we can confidently release fear and our former expectations, the sooner we can create a new vision.

6.     Surround yourself (even virtually) with people who care about and believe in you. We don’t usually build our confidence in a vacuum. Seeking out those who support and encourage you will shore up confidence levels. You’re lucky if these are people with whom you work or live – but if not, tap into your extended network. Engage a coach.

Never before has there been a time when believing in ourselves, our worth, resilience and strength, has been more needed. I’m not pretending any of this is easy.  But once we confidently believe in our individual and collective capabilities, I can’t wait to see what we create together. We’ve got this.